
Hearing Equals Behavior: Updated and Expanded (Paperback)

Guy Berard, MD and Sally Brockett, MS

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback and Sensory Integration Approaches to Research and Treatment

Estate M. Sokhadze and Manuel F. Casanova

The Brain that Changes Itself

Norman Doidge, M.D.

The Game of My Life: A True Story of Challenge, Triumph, and Growing Up Autistic

Jason “J-Mac” McElwain

Scott, Scott

Robbyn Scott

Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism 2011-2012

Ken Siri, Tony Lyons

The Autism 101 Manual

Karen Simmons, Editor


Understanding the Impact of AIT on Reading

Reading disorders can result from a visual problem, or an auditory problem, or a combination of both. Here we talk about the auditory component of reading difficulties but Berard AIT also impacts visual skills and  so may  target both areas to help improve readings skills. 


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Berard AIT: Success with Adults and Children

Adults become interested in Berard AIT for a variety of reasons. They may have heard about it from family, or a friend or colleague, or they may have pursued it for their children. Adults working in diverse occupations, such as business, entertainment, education, sports, healthcare, etc., may discover the Berard method when in the process of seeking techniques for selfimprovement. Some of the areas of change that might benefit adults include: memory, selfconfidence, organization, speech and language, public speaking, reading and writing skills, sense of well-being, concentration, and attention.

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Berard Auditory Integration Training: Behavior Changes Related to Sensory Modulation:

Research on changes in behaviors and sensory modulation after Berard AIT, published in peer-reviewed journal, Autism Insights. This is an open-access, online journal easily available to readers around the world.

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Integration of Auditory and Visual Systems (2015)

Experiences with Berard AIT Reflect the Connection between these two systems.

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Scientists Probe the Origins of Dyslexia (Feb 2012)

Problems in how people with dyslexia process the sounds they hear may be at the heart of this learning disorder, new research suggests.

The study findings, published in the Dec. 22 issue of the journal Neuron, may one day lead to better therapies for children and adults who are diagnosed with this common yet still ultimately mysterious condition.

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How Do Berard AIT and Music Therapy Differ?

Sometimes parents and professionals are confused about Berard AIT and Music Therapy. Because both programs involve use of music, some may believe that they are both forms of music therapy. This is not the case. There are many important differences between these two programs.

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Developmental Impact of ”Silent” Ear Health Conditions (2011), Autism Science Digest

The autism epidemic now claims an estimated 1 in 110 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2010). Although a variety of causes are being investigated, it is suspected that more than one factor is responsible. Kelly Dorfman, MS, a licensed nutritionist and co-founder of Developmental Delay Resources, has coined the term post-traumatic ear infection syndrome (PTEIS) to refer to children who are apparently normal at birth but in the aftermath of chronic ear infections and inflammation go on to develop auditory processing problems and developmental delays.

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Using Berard AIT to Enhance Functional Performance and improve Quality of Life (Aug 2009)

In spite of a daily sensory diet and ongoing sensory therapy, seven-yearold Matthew, who was diagnosed with autism after his second birthday, continued to resist activities of daily living, including toothbrushing, bathing, and hair washing. It was especially frustrating for Matthew’s parents because his language delay made it even more difficult for them to explain the importance of these personal care tasks. However, soon after participating in a ten-day program of Berard Auditory Integration Training (AIT), Matthew showed increasing tolerance for these activities, and his parents also noticed improving language comprehension, which

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