
Official Berard AIT Videos

We have several videos on this website and on the Official Berard AIT YouTube channel that cover a wide range of topics about the Berard method and its effectiveness.

These videos were produced prior to the development of the new Remote Berard AIT program and the Auditory Integration Modulator (AIM) so they do not include information on the program or device.  For more information click here.

Results From Berard AIT

What typical results may be obtained when Berard AIT is completed? What are the developmental areas that may respond to this training? This video provides a quick look at the data, using easy-to-view charts and graphs, showing pre and post test results of measured changes with groups of clients as well as with individuals. For more detailed research reports, visit the Research page on

Duration: 14:41


베라르AIT의 전형적인 효과는 무엇이며, 어떤 영역에 나타나는가? 이 영상은 개인과 집단의 베라르전후의 변화를 도표와 그래프로 제시하여, 한눈에 보이는 데이터를 제시합니다. 보다 자세한 연구자료는 www.BerardAITwebsite.com를 참조하세요

Duration: 20:50

How is Berard AIT Done?

Learn the procedure for Berard AIT. How is Berard AIT Done? Learn the process for auditory integration training. Get answers to frequently asked questions. For more info visit

Duration: 3m 1s


Apprendre la procedure pour Berard AIT. Comment fonctionne Berard AIT? Trouver les responses aux questions les plus fréquentes poser sur la method Berard AIT

Duration: 3m 2s


Spiegare il metodo AIT Berard. Come funziona? Spiegare le modalità del programma di integrazione uditiva. Dare risposta alle domande più frequenti. Per maggiori informazioni visita

Duration: 4m 46s


베라르 AIT의 절차를 알아보세요. 베라르 AIT는 어떠한 치료인가? 청각통합훈련의 과정을 알아보세요. 자주 묻는 질문에서 답을 얻으세요. 더 많은 정보는 웹사이트, 에서 얻을 수 있습니다.

Duration: 4m 46s


Aprenda sobre el procedimiento de Berard AIT. ¿Cómo se lleva acabo? Aprenda sobre el proceso de integración auditiva. Obtenga respuestas a preguntas frecuentes. Para más información visite

Duration: 5m 22s


Berard Metodu'nun nasıl yapıldiğina dair bilinmesi gerekenler, metot hakkındaki sorulara cevaplar,daha fazla bilgi için başvuru: ve

Duration: 3m 1s


איך נעשה תהליך איזון השמיעתי ברארד AIT. כיצד נעשה תהליך האיזון השמיעתי AIT

Duration: 5:00

BERARD AIT - What Changes Typically Occur and When do these Occur?

It is helpful to understand what types of changes are typically reported when Berard AIT is used, and when these changes may occur. Although each individual is unique and there may be differences, there are changes that are frequently observed by many. Get answers to these frequently asked questions. For more info visit

Duration: 4m 22s


Un aiuto per capire quale tipo di cambiamenti sono solitamente riportati, quando viene effettuato il programma AIT Berard, e quando si manifestano. Ogni individuo è unico e ci possono essere differenze. Tuttavia ci sono cambiamenti osservati frequentemente. Si vuole dare risposta alle domande più frequenti. Per maggiori informazioni

Duration: 6m 11s


Il est intéressant de comprendre quels types de changements sont intervenus après un stage Bérard AIT et quand ils interviennent. Bien que chaque individu soit unique et malgré les différences, des changements sont souvent observés. Pour plus d’informations consultez

Duration: 4m 42s


Es útil entender qué clase de cambios suelen dares cuando s e aplica el programa de Bérard y cuándo pueden ocurrir esos cambios. Aunque cada individuo es único y pueden darse diferencias, hay cambios que muchos observan con frecuencia. Consigue las respuestas a estas preguntas frecuentes. Para más información visita

Duration: 4m 26s


베라르AIT 후에, 전형적으로 어떤 효과가 있는지, 언제 효과가 나타나는지 이해하면 도움이 됩니다. 각 개인은 독특한 차이가 있지만, 많은 사람들에게 자주 나타나는 효과들이 있습니다. 자주 묻는 질문에서 답을 얻으세요. 더 많은 정보는 웹사이트, 에서 얻을 수 있습니다.

Duration: 6m 56s


İŞİTSEL ALGI GELİŞTİRME YÖNTEMİ - BERARD AIT METODU:Tipik Gelişimler Nelerdir ve Ne zaman Gerçekleşir?

Duration: 4m 21s

Berard AIT and Auditory Processing

This video presentation explains some of the complications that people experience with auditory processing and how the Berard AIT program may impact to reduce or resolve difficulties with auditory processing skills, abilities, and functions. The viewer will gain understanding of both the challenges that occur when auditory processing is not efficient, and a method to intervene.

Duration: 6m 33s


Esta presentación en video explica algunas de las complicaciones que experimentan las personas con el procesamiento auditivo y cómo el programa AIT Berard puede impactar y reducir o resolver dificultades con las habilidades de procesamiento auditivo y sus funciones. El espectador ganará comprensión tanto de los desafíos que se dan cuando el procesamiento auditivo no es eficiente, como del método de intervención.

Duration: 9m 19s


Cette présentation vidéo explique certaines complications rencontrées par les personnes dans le processus auditif et comment le programme Bérard AIT peut contribuer à réduire et résoudre les difficultés dans le fonctionnement, la capacité, l’aptitude à maitriser le processus auditif. Le spectateur comprendra mieux les défis qui interviennent à la fois quand l’intégration auditive est défaillante et une méthode pour résoudre le problème.

Duration: 8m 42s


Questa presentazione spiega alcune delle problematiche che le persone possono avere nell’elaborazione uditiva e come il programma Berard AIT può ridurre o risolvere le difficoltà nelle competenze, abilità e funzioni di elaborazione uditiva.

Duration: 10m 34s


이번 동영상은 청각정보처리와 베라르AIT가 청각정보처리의 어려움을 감소하거나 해결하는데 어떻게 영향을 주는지에 관한 것입니다. 청각정보처리가 효율적이 못할 때 발생하는 문제와, 이를 중재하는 방법을 이해할 수 있습니다.

Duration: 9m 59s


Bu videoda ele aldığımız soru: Berard AIT METODU, işitsel algı gelişimini nasıl etkiler?

Duration: 7m 22s

Berard AIT and Visual Processing

"What is the connection between Berard AIT and visual processing?” This video helps show the connection between the auditory and visual systems, and why auditory stimulation can benefit both systems.

Duration: 9m 46s


이번 동영상은 청각기제와 시각기제와의 관계를 보여주고, 청각자극이 청각기제와 시각기제 모두에 유익한 이유를 보여줍니다. 모든 감각은 함께 협력하여 주변세계를 이해하는데 도움이 되는 정보망을 형성합니다. 소뇌-전정기제 이론은 시각기제와 청각기제 간의 연계성, 베라르AIT 후에 시지각 기능의 개선이 일어나는 이유를 설명합니다. 보다 자세한 정보는 www.berardaitwebsite.com을 참조하시기 바랍니다

Duration: 14m 33s


Bu video, işitsel ve görsel sistemler arasındaki bağlantıyı ve işitsel uyarının her iki sisteme de niçin yarar sağlayabildiğini göstermeye yardımcı olacaktır.

Duration: 9m 41s


Cette vidéo montre la connexion entre le systèmes auditif et visuel et explique pourquoi la stimulation auditive peut profiter aux deux systèmes. Tous les sens travaillent ensemble pour former un réseau d'informations qui nous aide à donner un sens au monde qui nous entoure. La théorie cérébelleuse-vestibulaire est expliquée et aide à démontrer le lien entre le système visuel et auditif, et pourquoi des changements dans les compétences de traitement visuel peuvent survenir après Berard AIT, un programme initialement développé pour la formation des compétences du traitement auditif. Pour plus d'informations, visitez

Duration: 11:55

Berard AIT – A video introduction by Sally Brockett,MS, Berard Instructor/Practitioner

Berard AIT – A video introduction to a 10-hour listening intervention program to enhance auditory and sensory processing, and train skills and abilities important for success in academics and life experiences. Learn about the process, and see data based on pre and post test results. Resources are provided for learning more and for locating a Berard practitioner near you.

Duration: 9m 11s

Berard Auditory Integration Training

A slide show introduction to the Berard method ofAIT, an auditory training program for learning, concentration, attention, focusing, academic performance, speech- and language development, peak performance, stress management, motivation, energy and

Duration: 4m 11s

Considerations in Selecting Berard AIT Services

Things to consider when seeking Berard AIT services.Provides specific questions to use and helpful resources for interviewing Berard AIT practitioners to help you find a good fit for your needs.

Duration: 4m 15s

The Brain That Changes Itself

According to Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself, neuroplasticity means that the nerve cells in our brains and nervous systems are changeable, or can modify themselves. Neuroplasticity enables us to continue learning at any age, or to create new connections to take over weakened functions. We can rewire or reorganize our brains. This video explains neuroplasticity, and will enhance understanding of Berard AIT.

Duration: 51m 51s