Berard auditory integration training (AIT) is an intervention developed by Dr. Guy Berard to correct or improve disruptions in the brain/body system that interfere with an individual’s ability to process information normally.
Berard AIT is also be used to enhance performance in school and sports related activities, careers, music related activities, public presentations, time management, etc.
Inconsistencies and distortions in the way sounds are perceived can make it difficult to interpret auditory stimuli. In addition, Dr. Berard states that the ears must work together in a coordinated fashion. If the hearing in one ear is different from the other, the person may have auditory processing problems. This lack of coordination between the ears contributes to difficulties in following directions, comprehending what is said or read, and putting thoughts into words. Dr. Berard also states that some people hear certain frequencies much better than other frequencies. When this occurs, the person perceives sounds in a distorted manner, may be easily distracted, and may have difficulty understanding auditory information. According to Dr. Berard, these auditory problems are factors that contribute to disorders such as learning disabilities, attention deficit, dyslexia, hyperactivity, central auditory processing disorder, sensory processing disorder, autism and pervasive developmental disorder.
Prices for Berard AIT services may vary depending on location. Please contact the Berard Practitioners to learn more.
Berard AIT is often provided for individuals who wish to improve:
It is also used for enhancement in
Minimum age is 3 years, and there is no upper limit.
No, the Berard method is not used for medical intervention. It is not meant to treat or cure diseases.
Berard AIT is not considered music therapy or a form of music therapy. There are many differences between Berard AIT and music therapy. The criteria and use of music therapy does not meet the protocol for Berard AIT in several ways. Training as a music therapist does not qualify that person as a Berard practitioner unless they have successfully completed the Berard training seminar. Similarly, Berard AIT certification does not qualify a person as a music therapist. The approach to intervention is quite different, and the goals for each program are also different.
From its inception, Berard AIT has been a center-based training program. However, advances in technology have enabled the development of a remote training program. Berard Practitioners may now offer Remote Berard AIT using online video communication that allows the required direct supervision by the Berard Practitioner to achieve optimal results. The practitioner will be able to provide daily input and consultation with the client based on feedback provided by the parents, client, and their professional observations. Since clients may make significant changes during the 10 days of training due to the effectiveness of Berard AIT, consultation and practitioner observations are a critical component of the program and can lead to better results.
The Berard audio testing requires a mature level of concentration and communication. The audio testing provides information that is used in selecting whether a narrow band filter is needed during the training sessions, and therefore, must be accurate. For these reasons, Dr. Berard does not recommend this testing for children under 5 years old. If a person is not able to cooperate with audio testing, but seems to be a good candidate for AIT based on behavior and history, the training can be done without audio tests. Since the audio tests provide the basis for the narrow band filters, no narrow band filters would be used. The modulated music has proven effective even without these specific filters.