Auditory Integration Therapy or Training: What is the Difference?
Auditory integration therapy (AIT) is a term used by many parents and some professionals when referring to a method used for addressing auditory processing or other learning difficulties. However, the original term, coined when the Berard method of AIT was introduced in the U.S., is auditory integration training. The difference is important because genuine Berard AIT (training) is an educationally related service to retrain the brain to achieve more efficient functioning. The method is used to enhance skills and abilities that have been shown to respond to this training. In some cases, there may be significant challenges interfering with progress, or it may be used simply to help the person achieve optimal performance.
Just as an athlete participates in rigorous training to reach his optimal performance, or to overcome challenges that interfere with his skills and abilities, all individuals, children and adults, can participate in Berard AIT to enhance their achievements. The Berard method of AIT makes use of the principles of neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to respond to training stimulation. The stimulation must include intensity, frequency, and duration. When properly provided, the training stimulates rewiring of the pathways so they function more efficiently.
The term therapy means treatment of an illness, injury, or disability, and treatment can mean the use of a procedure in an attempt to cure or lessen a condition, or injury. These are medically related terms and approaches whereas the Berard method of AIT is educationally related and focuses on skills and abilities. Berard practitioners generally try to avoid using medically related terms because the method is not using a medical approach. When viewed as an educationally related service, schools will sometimes fund or share the funding of the program with parents if the child has not been successfully meeting the goals and objectives of an individual educational plan (IEP).
Sally personally trained with Dr. Berard in France and has become an international leader in the Berard Method of Auditory Integration Training. Founder and President of the Berard AIT International Society, Sally works with Berard Instructors and Berard Practitioners to maintain the high standards associated with this method. She has advanced the method to include new technology that enables Berard practitioners to provide Remote AIT service that allows people around the world to receive this valuable program without the need to travel from home. Sally co-authored the book “Hearing Equals Behavior: Updated and Expanded” with Dr. Berard to provide a comprehensive resource for parents and professionals.