Home Based -At Home - In Home - Remote Berard AIT… What’s the Difference?

Terms Can Be Confusing! 

When searching for AIT services at your home, you may be confused by the different terms used. There are some sound-based programs that may appear to be Berard AIT, and are referred to as Home-Based, or In Home AIT or even Berard AIT.  If the Berard protocol is not followed, then you are NOT receiving genuine Berard AIT.

How do you know if a program is following the genuine Berard AIT protocol?

For genuine Berard AIT, the practitioner is on-site, directly supervising each session and in control of the training, the Berard protocol is followed and only an approved Berard AIT device is used. In some cases, these “Home-Based” programs use music stimulation from sources other than an approved Berard AIT device, CDs for example.  Use of CDs has never been approved for genuine Berard AIT.

Berard AIT: in the past

Until 2023, genuine Berard AIT was a center-based program and clients traveled to the center to participate in the training sessions. This was necessary because the practitioner needs to be present for every session to observe the client so they can make adjustments to the program if needed. In some cases, a practitioner can provide training for a client at home provided the practitioner makes daily visits and is present for the training sessions.

Berard AIT: today New Developments with Berard AIT

Remote Berard AIT was introduced in 2023 and enables practitioners to provide genuine Berard AIT directly to clients in their home. In all cases, practitioners adhere to the Berard protocol and use Approved Berard AIT equipment. There are two ways of receiving Remote Berard AIT…
  1. Using the Auditory Integration Modulator (AIM)
When the AIM is used, the practitioner controls everything remotely during all the sessions. Video conferencing is used so the practitioner has direct observation of the client and can speak in real time to the client and/or parents/caregivers. The AIM, which provides the music stimulation directly to the client, is sent to the home, along with the calibrated headphones and the program is controlled remotely by the practitioner.
  1. Using the Earducator
When the Earducator is used, the training sessions are also through video conferencing and the practitioner supervises and instructs the client or parents/caregivers in real time. The Earducator, which also provides the music stimulation directly to the client, is sent to the home, along with the calibrated headphones. The difference is that the Earducator cannot be remotely controlled and so the parents/caregivers are instructed and guided by the practitioner on the specific settings to be used.

How is Remote Berard AIT Set Up?

The same initial procedures are followed as when a client receives the training sessions at the practitioner’s office. Typically, there is a phone consultation and an office visit if possible. The practitioner may do testing or evaluations and the health of the ear is discussed. Plans are made based on individual needs.  
Local Practitioners
If the client is local to the practitioner, they can come to the office, be briefed on how the sessions will take place and take the AIT equipment home with them.  
Distant Practitioners
If the client is not local, the equipment will be sent to their home and video conferencing will be used to share the necessary information. In both cases, every session will be supervised on a video conference program (i.e. Zoom) by the practitioner. When the training is completed, the equipment is returned to the practitioner.

What are the Advantages of Remote Berard AIT?

  • Feedback tells us that parents are delighted to be able to provide Berard AIT for their children within their home and clients who may not have been able to do Berard AIT because of distance are thrilled to have this opportunity. The hassles and expense of travel are eliminated, and the logistics are less stressful. It is easier to maintain any special diets for children when needed, and the familiar routine is not disrupted.
  • Another advantage of the Remote AIT program is that you can work with a practitioner anywhere in the world. There are no longer geographical constraints. They can be in another state or even another country. Since Berard is International, you have language options as well.

How do the Results of Remote Berard AIT Compare to In-Office Berard AIT?

A lengthy period of study preceded the approval of the Remote Berard AIT service. A comparison clinical trial was conducted to evaluate if the results from the AIM were equivalent to those of the Earducator. The results proved to be equivalent, and the AIM was approved for use by Berard AIT practitioners. Parents and practitioners have not seen any observable differences in the results between Remote and In-Office Berard AIT.

How do I Find a Remote Berard AIT Practitioner?

You can find a directory of Berard practitioners on the official Berard AIT website BerardAITwebsite.com. Those who offer Remote AIT Services have a  symbol that says REMOTE.  There is a search option for Remote Services that will provide all the practitioners who offer remote.  
Sally personally trained with Dr. Berard in France and has become an international leader in the Berard Method of Auditory Integration Training. Founder and President of the Berard AIT International Society, Sally works with Berard Instructors and Berard Practitioners to maintain the high standards associated with this method. She has advanced the method to include new technology that enables Berard practitioners to provide Remote AIT service that allows people around the world to receive this valuable program without the need to travel from home. Sally co-authored the book “Hearing Equals Behavior: Updated and Expanded” with Dr. Berard to provide a comprehensive resource for parents and professionals.