Remote Services are available if you cannot find a local practitioner
Use the Search to find practitioners who offer Remote Services.
All of the practitioners listed on the following pages have been trained by Dr. Berard or one of his approved Instructors and have attested to the fact that they are following the Berard AIT protocol. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to provide this website with updated contact information whenever changes occur.
Berard AIT Practitioners identified with the certification mark are experienced professionals who have completed the supervised Intern Period, and have attested to adherence to the Berard AIT protocol. There are Berard AIT Practitioners who have not yet applied for the use of this certification mark and some who are completing their Intern Period and therefore have not yet received their certification mark.
The Berard AIT International Society (BAITIS) is the professional organization for Berard AIT practitioners. Berard AIT Practitioners are encouraged to join this organization that supports and promotes the growth of Dr. Berard’s method. Members in good standing are identified by a banner under their name.
Berard Practitioners who are not listed may use Contact Us for information about listing. The owner of this website does not endorse any individuals listed and makes no representations, warranties, nor guarantees and assumes no responsibility for any services provided. This website owner expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind as a result of using services provides by those listed.
33 Seongdang-ro 50-gil
Daegu City, South Korea
+82(10) 3517 0654
Remote Services
Gwangsan-gu, Gwangsan City South Korea
+82(62) 575 7800
272, Simin-daero Dongan-gu
Anyang -si, Gyeonggi -do South Korea
+82(10) 9429 1224
201, 5-12, 20beon-gil
Jinju City, Gyeongsangnam Province 52731
South Korea
+82(10) 6611-2793